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Real Estate Australia

Cozy 1-Bed, 1-Bath Fully Furnished Cabin - Direct Beach Access To The Beach
$500 Per Week
Available NOW

Property Location: 28A The Boulevarde MULLAWAY - COFFS HARBOUR - NSW

Listing Id: 21369780  


Bedrooms: 1    Bathrooms: 1   

Description: Escape to your beachside retreat with this charming 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom fully furnished cabin wifi and electricity included. Perfectly positioned within walking distance to the beach, this cozy home offers the ideal blend of comfort and convenience.

Fully furnished with tasteful decor
Comfortable bedroom
Modern bathroom
Well-equipped kitchen
Inviting living area
Beautiful outdoor space
Enjoy the best of beachside living, with cafes, shops, and local attractions just a short stroll away. Don't miss out on this perfect getaway or permanent home!

We invite all those wishing to inspect to submit an application online.
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1. Select the property you wish to apply for via the 'Renting' menu.
2. On the right-hand side, select 'Apply Now'.
3. You will then be redirected to our online application for pre-approval.

Inspections are strictly by appointment or advertised open house only, as published on our website.
Whilst we aim to provide accurate details and all care has been taken to ensure accuracy of the information advertised, we advise no warranty can be given.
Any interested parties must rely on their own inquiries and are advised to conduct a physical inspection of the property prior to being considered for rental.

Cozy 1-Bed, 1-Bath Fully Furnished Cabin - Direct Beach Access To The Beach
$500 Per Week - Available NOW

Contact Vision Property Sales Today!!!

Contact Vision Property Sales
Phone 02 6654 8711

Property ID:21369780
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