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Feature Property

Oversized modern family home in Safety Beach!
Safety Beach

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Perfect price bracket to live, renovate or invest in Woolgoolga!

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Property Location: 4 Shanahan Close Woolgoolga - COFFS HARBOUR - NSW

Listing Id: 21364782  


Bedrooms: 3    Bathrooms: 1    Garages: 1   


Size: 702 Square Mtr Approx  

Description: Located in the heart of Woolgoolga, this brick and tile home offers a solid start and the potential to unlock substantial value with your own personalised renovations.
Ideal for first home buyers, families and downsizers alike, the property is single level throughout, with three good sized bedrooms with ceilings fans, lounge room with reverse cycle air-con, kitchen, main bathroom, separate toilet and laundry.
To the rear of the home is a huge undercover enclosed patio, running the full length of the house, overlooking the fenced backyard. There is also a single garage with workshop space, carport, plus a concrete pad in the front yard providing another space for parking the caravan, boat or trailer.
Presenting an ideal property for first home buyers, or an opportunity for investors to get their foot in the door of a competitive Woolgoolga market, don't miss out on the opportunity to inspect today!
Properties in this price bracket are in high demand and short supply, contact Clara Seymour 0456294455 or Fay Smith 0418213818 for more information.

Perfect price bracket to live, renovate or invest in Woolgoolga!

Contact Cardow & Partners Property Woolgoolga Today!!!

Contact Clara Seymour
Phone 0456 294 455

Contact Fay Smith
Phone 0418 213 818

Property ID:21364782
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