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Real Estate Australia

Neat & Tidy Two Bedroom Beachside Unit!
$450 Weekly Weekly
Available NOW


Property Location: 2/46 Prince Street COFFS HARBOUR - - NSW

Listing Id: 39P9726  


Bedrooms: 2    Bathrooms: 1   

Description: Discover the perfect coastal lifestyle in this neat and well-presented two bedroom unit. Located just a short stroll from the beach, you'll enjoy daily beachside walks as well as easy access to local cafes, restaurants, club and bakeries. Park Beach Plaza is also within a short walk, and there's a park conveniently located across the road.

• Two sizeable bedrooms – the main bedroom with a ceiling fan.
• A well-appointed kitchen with ample storage.
• A light filled loungeroom with ceiling fan that flows onto a private balcony.
• Reverse cycle air conditioning in the loungeroom.
• Main bathroom includes a bath, toilet, and shower.
• A separate laundry with plenty of storage space.
• One undercover carport.
• Sorry no pets.

To submit an application please visit our website
1. Select the property you wish to apply for via the 'Lease' menu.
2. Below the property address, select 'Apply Now'.
3. You will then be redirected to our online application form.

Neat & Tidy Two Bedroom Beachside Unit!
$450 Weekly Weekly - Available NOW

Contact Nolan Partners Today!!!

Contact Stacey Waugh
Phone 0428 607 767

Contact Sera Large
Phone 0403 397 343

Property ID:39P9726
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