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First to see will buy (and they did)


Property Location: 2/7 Avenue Street COFFS HARBOUR - NSW

Listing Id: ave2.7  


Bedrooms: 2    Bathrooms: 1    Garages: 1   

Description: Great two-bedroom villa with single garage in a strata complex of three.
Fenced rear yard with garden shed, perfect investment opportunity or first home.
RATES: $2,732 approx
Whilst every care has been taken in respect of the information contained herein no warranty is given as to the accuracy and prospective purchasers should rely on their own enquiries.

First to see will buy (and they did)

Contact Unrealestate Coffs Coast Today!!!

Contact Chris Hines
Phone 0439 667 719

Contact Kim McGinty
Phone 0432 953 796

Property ID:ave2.7
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