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Feature Property

Classic East Coast Beach House

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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

4.6 Acres with Manarm Creek Frontage
$900,000 - $950,000

Click here to see the floorplans


Property Location: 43 Perrys Road Repton - COFFS HARBOUR - NSW

Listing Id: 21334253  


Bedrooms: 3    Bathrooms: 1    Garages: 2   


Size: 1.855 Hectare Approx   Rates: $2,937.04   Zoning: RU2 Rural Landscape  

Description: This property presents a great opportunity for someone seeking a project with plenty of potential to increase its value. The beautiful 4.6-acre land has frontage to Manarm Creek and is located 4.4km from the beach, making it a highly sought-after coastal waterfront location. The two-storey brick home offers 3 bedrooms, office, 1 bathroom, 2 toilets, suspended concrete floors, two sheds, and space for a horse or two.

The elevated position provides stunning views over the property to the mountains and the Bellinger River. From Manarm Creek, you can enjoy fishing, crabbing, skiing, or take a relaxing kayak trip to the ocean, Urunga, Mylestom, or vibrant Bellingen for a coffee. This extraordinary property offers exceptional value in a highly sought-after location.

The property will be sold 'as is' on a walk-in, walk-out basis.

- Open plan living area with cathedral ceilings, slow combustion wood fire
- 10m x 8m shed with concrete floor, power and water. 7m x 8m shed
- 1.855Ha block or 4.6 acres, town water, dam
- Direct frontage to tidal Manarm Creek
- Pasture paddock for stock, cropping, or just that extra space for the kids and pets
- Private setting and outlook, however yet still a super convenient location. Around 10 minutes drive time to the peaceful village of Urunga, 15 minutes to eclectic Bellingens Coffee Shops/markets and dining, or 15 minutes to bustling Coffs Harbour with its facilities and airport. Boat or drive
- Just 5 minutes drive time to Patrolled North Beach/Mylestom - General Store, Post Office and Caravan Park
- Run your tinny or kayak over almost 40km of pristine navigable waterways. Head out to the clear waters at the ocean or up to Bellingen and the Butter Factory for breakfast. Fish, crab or ski
- A wonderful coastal position, with rivers, ocean and National Parks all at your door

4.6 Acres with Manarm Creek Frontage
$900,000 - $950,000

Contact Cardow & Partners Property Bellingen Today!!!

Contact Tennille Cardow
Phone 0458 218 563

Contact Suzanne Atkinson
Phone 0432 306 060

Property ID:21334253
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