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Feature Property

"Rosevalley Homestead"
THORA $2,100,000

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Real Estate Australia

Private Riverfront Oasis
$1.1m - $1.2m

Click here to see the floorplans

Property Location: 1724 Waterfall Way Bellingen - COFFS HARBOUR - NSW

Listing Id: 21356296  


Bedrooms: 3    Bathrooms: 1    Garages: 2   


Size: 2580 Square Mtr Approx   Rates: $1376.35  

Description: Perched high overlooking the Bellinger River on a flood-free home site and boasting a private leafy setting, glorious views and a position just 5km from Bellingen's CBD: this sensational property is a rare offering.

With an updated 1950s weatherboard home and deep-water river frontage, this site offers one of the best swimming holes on the Bellinger as your backyard, where you can swim, fish, watch the turtles or take a relaxing canoe down this amazing stretch of river.

The home has been beautifully reconfigured by the current owners to take advantage of the river outlook; including an open plan living/dining area with 6-meter wide floor-to-ceiling glass sliding doors opening seamlessly onto the rear deck.

The home is graced with classic features, tallowwood timber floors, air conditioning, a cosy wood fire, a solar hot water system plus 2kw of solar panels. The kitchen has a gorgeous blackbutt timber benchtop, black granite sink, induction cooktop with ducted extractor and Bosch dishwasher.

There is an established fruit orchard with irrigation, raised veggie garden beds and 2 x 20,000Ltr rainwater tanks which provide more than enough water for the house and garden.

Small holdings with direct river access are extremely rare up here; very few properties surpass the lifestyle on offer from this home.

Whether it's your own home, investment, or potentially a superb tourism accommodation type of premises you are after, this one is sure to impress.

Private Riverfront Oasis
$1.1m - $1.2m

Contact Cardow & Partners Property Bellingen Today!!!

Contact Tennille Cardow
Phone 0458 218 563

Property ID:21356296
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