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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

Roomy 3 Bedroom Villa

Property Location: 2/6 Newport Crescent Boambee East - - NSW

Listing Id: 3431319  


Bedrooms: 3    Bathrooms: 1    Garages: 1   


Size: 248 Square Mtr Approx  

Description: :: Roomy three bedroom villa
:: Backs reserve
:: Roomy separate lounge with bushland view
:: Vehicle side access and lock up garage
:: Owner run strata of two villas
:: Covered rear timber deck

Situated in a quiet street and backing onto a Koala corridor, this home is a rear villa in a complex of two villas and in a owner run strata. The villa has separate lounge, combined dining room/kitchen with breakfast bar, up right stove and access to the lock up garage and laundry. The three roomy bedrooms have built ins and one has a ceiling fan, there is a central bathroom with bath, shower and vanity. A separate toilet and linen cupboard are off the hallway. At the rear of the property is a covered timber deck with views over the bushland reserve at the rear. Other features are: side vehicle access, cover front veranda, stained glass-lead light at entry, security screens and whirlybird on the roof. So come and enjoy the bird life and bushland settling in quiet, private villa.

Roomy 3 Bedroom Villa

Contact Toormina Real Estate Today!!!

Contact Christopher Sercombe
Phone 0427581100

Property ID:3431319
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